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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Washington, WI

location-map Washington , WI | (262) 233 4780

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I am passionate about creating a safe and empathetic space for clients to share life’s stressors. I approach therapy as a heartfelt opportunity to help others gain tools and resources to navigate their life’s challenges. My areas of interest include anxiety, depression, trauma, burn-out, school-based issues, body-image concerns, stress management, and women’s issues. My background with counseling adolescents in a school-based setting as well as adults from a trauma background has helped me gain a counseling perspective and passion for helping others navigate through life. Using a person-centered and solution-focused approach has allowed me to build a powerful therapeutic relationship with my clients. I believe in providing a welcoming and genuine therapeutic environment for clients to heal, process, and explore life’s challenges.

location-map Washington , WI | (608) 352 9863

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My clients are children, adolescents, adults, couples and families facing a range of life challenges including, depression, anxiety, loneliness, identity, relationship issues, and life meaning. I tend to work best with individuals who are curious about themselves and motivated to understand how their choices are impacting their lives. I specialize in child and adolescent therapy. My work can involve individuals, parents/caregivers, or families to help the child develop optimally. I also consult with school personnel when necessary. I also specialize in longer-term psychoanalytic therapy, for those interested in a more in-depth understanding of their motivations, character, patterns, etc. I am available at three locations in Southeast Wisconsin. The Shorewood office offers the most privacy (I am the only practitioner at that location).